Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Enough?

Have you settled in life for good enough?  The job I have isn't the job I wanted, but its "good enough".  I have a dream to be a writer but I'm not talented enough, so where I am is "good enough".  I'll never ______ (fill in the blank) because I'm not good enough or where I'm at is good enough.

GOOD ENOUGH is not your destiny!   We all have seeds of greatness in us, but to see the fulness of what God has in store, we have to change our thinking and our perspective.  God didn't create us for good enough.  He created us for greatness.  In order to reach our full potential, we have to stretch.  We have to reach forward to the things God has in store.  That means we have to MOVE. It requires action on our parts.  We can't sit back and say God has more but then just stay where we are.  We have to stretch our faith, stretch our minds, stretch our abilities.  When we give God our natural, He will make it SUPERnatural!

Have you settled somewhere beneath what you know God has put in you? Have you given up on a dream or let go of a promise?  I know I have.  So many times I have heard myself say "I'm just a mom from small town Indiana.  Who wants to read what I have to say?"  God showed me everyone starts somewhere.  Its just those who REACH and STRETCH that become all He created them to be.  Its what we do with the opportunities that are placed in front of us or the ones we seek out that makes a difference.  I have a dream.  A dream to tell my story.  A dream to encourage and uplift others with my testimony.  What good are all of the things God has done in my life if I don't share them with others?  I am willing to stretch my faith because God says in His word in 1 Cor 2:9 " No eyes has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive what God has prepared for those who love Him"

If we settle for good enough and don't reach for the promise, we will never realize God's full provision.  What God has for our future supersedes what we've seen in the past.  Can you imagine coming to the end of your life and wondering: " What could I have become if I hadn't settled for good enough? What could I have been if I had striven to be my very best?"

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