Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jesus is Calling

I used to write almost every day.  I don't really know what happened to cause that to stop, except I just quit trying...

I quit listening...

I quit spending the time with God that I needed.

Why?  Why do we step away from something that only brings goodness into our life?  Things of this world come and go, but Jesus is constant.  

I let life in 2017 take my time away from the only One who will never leave me or forsake me.  I let life in 2017 become my focus and not Jesus.

Jesus is calling.

Its 2018 now and Jesus is calling me home.  He wants to speak to me and thru me, but I have to be willing to listen.  I have no profound words today, just a message:


Oh come to the Altar
our fathers arms are open wide
forgiveness was bought with 
the precious blood of Jesus Christ

I love this song by Elevation Worship.  "O come to the Altar"...I'll post the video...take a few minutes to listen...and run into the open arms of Jesus.