Thursday, May 11, 2017

Scars to Beautiful

Beauty....its an illusion that is created by the standards of the world...

Unattainable for many

Impossible to achieve

We are constantly told we aren't good enough just by the ads we read, the TV shows we watch, the music we listen to.

We are led to believe that if we don't look a certain way we aren't good enough.

Says who??  Really - who gets to decide that for us?  

I have struggled most of my life with weight issues.  Too fat, at one point because I became obsessed with weight loss I was too thin.  I lived my life around what I ate, how much I ate, how much I ran, what SIZE my clothes were, that I look back now and realize I wasn't LIVING.  I was fighting.  I was fighting to achieve what the WORLD says was good enough.

You are good enough if you have medals showing you can run a long distance. 

You are good enough if you get a lot of likes of your picture on social media.

You are good enough if you wear the smaller size clothes.

Why don't I believe I am good enough just as I am right now?  Because I have listened to the lies the Devil has whispered in my ear.

You and I need to remember what God says in His word in Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."  God knew what I would struggle with, what I would look like, the paths set before me before I even came to be.  And HE LOVES ME!

God loves me DEEPLY
God values me HIGHLY
God provides for me FULLY
God planned me CAREFULLY

Why then do I say the most hurtful things to myself?  You arms are too fat, your legs are too big, you need to lose weight, you need to change...I have done that recently.  I go to the gym every day and workout with a friend who is showing significant changes, yet I don't' see them in myself.  I walk beside her and hear people tell her how great she looks and I secretly wonder "What about me?"  But, what I need to remember is, it doesn't matter what ANYONE else thinks about me - what God thinks about me is all that matters.  He says I am beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image.

What I need and you need to do is start working on our Christ-esteem.  We say we need better Self-esteem, but I need to remember daily what Christ says about me.  Its OK to eat healthy and exercise in order to take care of the body He has given us, but we need to accept we are who He made us to be and embrace our uniqueness.  He loves me uniquely.  He loves you uniquely.  

Our scars make us beautiful.  Many of those scars are inside of us - words said to hurt us, actions that made us feel less than.  No matter what anyone has said about you or done to you, you are beautiful.  Don't be defined by your scars.  Rest in the arms of the one who made you - and remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL just the way you are!

Below is a piece of the lyrics from the song Scars to Beautiful by Alessia Cara...if you get a chance, pull it up and listen...


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

His love is Fierce

Ocean Waves - 






How can something with so much power offer so much peace and tranquility to our souls?  Its amazing to me that God, in all His power and greatness, can be so loving and soothing to us when we need comfort.  

He created the vastness of the ocean - the depth and the width - and when I sit on the shore and look out, it reminds me of His love and His forgiveness.  He loves with an everlasting love - a love that is deep and wide and vast and never ending. 

I love the beach.  I'm drawn to the smell of the salty air and the breeze that washes over me like a cleansing shower.  I love the soothing sound of the waves as they crash against the shore.  I long for Gods love as it does the same - soothes and crashes into me - a force that is so strong it knocks me to my knees, yet loves me softly with a peace that passes all understanding.

Jeremiah 31:3  "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness"

35 times the psalmist tells us in the book of Psalms that "...His love endures forever".  I think he wanted us to know this fact - that Gods love is everlasting.  It is wide and deep and it crashes into us like a tidal wave.  It is fierce.

Jesus Culture has a song out called "Fierce".  The words of the chorus are:

Like a tidal wave
Crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce
Like a hurricane
That I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce

This reminds us how powerful Gods love is for us.  No matter our circumstances or what we face today, know that His love is powerful, forceful, FIERCE.  When you feel you aren't loved, remember that the one who created the heavens and the oceans loves you FIERCELY.  Let His love crash into you today.