Saturday, November 9, 2013

Faith without Works...

So many times we pray and ask God for things.  We ask him to provide a better job or to heal us or to allow the person we have a crush on to see us.  Maybe you need freed from an addiction, or you are wanting to get out of debt.  Whatever it is, you believe God can move in your situation. So, you pray and pray but what are you DOING to show God you SEE what he can do.  God is looking for people to demonstrate their faith.

In James 2:14-26, James is showing us that Faith without works is dead.  Abraham believed God would save his son Isaac, and by doing what God told him to do, he acted on that faith.  God wants us to move.  He wants us to show Him that we see he can do what He promises in His word to do.  Its not enough to sit and pray to be delivered from and addiction and then continue to do what we always do in that addiction.  If you want freedom from overeating, act on that by passing up the cookie jar.  If you want a better job, then give 100% at the job you are at now.  If you are believing for your soul mate and are tired of being single, don't sit at home on the couch every weekend expecting God to drop that person from the sky onto your front doorstep.  Get out and take action.  Become involved in your Faith walk.  

I have a dream of becoming a writer.  God wants me to tell my story.  He wants to use a gift I didn't' know I had to bless others and bring glory to Him.  If I sit around waiting for that book to write itself, my dream will never be realized.  If I don't take steps to act out my faith that God will use me in ways I've never been used before, then I will never fulfill my destiny.  How do I become a better writer?  By writing, and learning and being proactive in what God is leading me to do.  He will take my little and multiply it.  I have to be willing to step out in faith, to be uncomfortable, to be criticized and rejected.  One day, it will all come together in His timing, in the way He wants.  But that won't happen if I don't ACT.  Its one thing to ask for God's help, its one thing to believe He loves me - but if I want to get God's attention, I have to take it one step further and put actions behind my faith! I will see favor and opportunity that will thrust me to a new level when I take action to show God my Faith.  

I had this dream about a year ago.  I sat down, wrote in a journal and then let life get in the way and put it aside.  I heard God again tell me to write my story and I still said "God, I'm not a writer.  You are going to have to tell me what to write".  But, I didn't put actions behind that.  I didn't sit down with a pen and paper or my computer and write.  I expected God to do all the work.  Finally, I realized that I need to act on what God is telling me to do.  I could not wait around for something to happen.  I finally had to say "I'm taking a step of faith to put action behind what I'm believing.  I want to show God I am serious about doing what He is telling me to do."  So I signed up for a creativity workshop.  I am going somewhere, by myself, without the comfort of a support system.  I'm stepping out in faith that if I take action, God will take what little I give him and he will multiply it and bless it.  

As James wrote, its not enough just to believe.  Its not enough just to pray. "Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead".  What are you believing for?  What are you praying God will do in your life?  As you take steps of faith you will begin to see God open doors.  You will see His favor in unusual ways.  Remember that God is moved by your Faith.  Show Him you believe He can do what He promises in His word to do.  Act on it.  Move.

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