Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My one word

Words have power.  Meaning.  Depth.  Can elicit change. I have been thinking about my one word.  What word do I want to live by in the coming year?  What word describes who I want to be?  I'm tired of making New Years Resolutions...its the same old thing year after year.  We generally resolve to do better on what we didn't do last year.  Lose weight, save money, be a better husband/wife/friend, be a better parent, etc.  Don't you get a knot in your stomach, a grumbling in your soul, when someone says "What's your New Years Resolution?".  I do.  Because they tend to get forgotten and become unreachable.

So, this year I have decided that instead of setting myself up for failure by making a list of resolutions I won't keep, I will choose ONE WORD to live my life by this year.  One word that will change my outlook on life, on me, and on those around me.  One word that will give me focus and direction in my walk with the Lord.  Because, ultimately, if I focus on Him, and live my life the way He wants me to live it, then all the rest of the "stuff" I resolve will eventually fall into place.  Living in God's will for my life is all I need to resolve to do. 

So, what is my word? I've thought about it and honestly, I haven't been able to pick one yet.  I want to pick a word that will help me align myself to Gods calling on my life. I'm still hoping God will help me narrow it down.  But, what about you?   Will you make a laundry list of resolutions that you know you probably won't keep? Or will you think about and pray about one word that you can focus on - one word that will give your life meaning this coming year?  Here are a few you can think about:

When I choose my word I will let you know.  I want to be held accountable.  I'm excited to see what word I choose and excited to see how that word will change my life this coming year.   Let me know if you choose a word.  I will encourage you along the way...

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