Friday, December 13, 2013

Step out

I sat down this morning, grabbed my notebook and pen and started writing.  This idea popped into my head about walls.  We all build them in our lives - around our heart.  I was going to write all that God was showing me about the different walls I've put up in my life and about 4 pages later I realized that there is SOOOO much more I could say about each one - and so many others I didn't mention.  So, I'm gonna save what he showed me this morning, build on it and I will share it later.  Because what He showed me is so important that it deserves more than just a morning blog. 

See, God told me about a year and a half ago that I needed to tell my story.  Well, I laughed.  Seriously.  In church he said "Tell your story" and I smiled and giggled.  Right, ok God, sure.  To whom do you want me to tell and how do you expect me to do this.  I'm JUST a mom, JUST a paralegal,  JUST a nobody from small town Indiana.  So, I dismissed Him.  Well, one thing I've learned about God, He doesn't go away quietly!!  About 6 months after that He said it again.  "Tell your story".  I actually looked around me that day - again I was at church, listening to the sermon and I turned my head. Then I shook my head - "Are you kidding me?  Don't you know I'm a nobody?  Who cares about my story?"  Again, I went on my merry way and ignored God!  What nerve!!  Have you ever done that?  God told you to do something and you laughed at Him?  Thankfully, God is a patient God and not quick to punish for disobedience.  Instead He waits and gently prods when He sees fit.  This past May I was part of a local women's conference and was talking to our guest MC and I happened to tell her one little snippet of my story - and she looked at me and said "You need to be up on that stage.  I see you speaking to other women someday".  Inside my heart skipped a beat because that is a dream I've had for many years, but I've always thought "Who am I?  Why would anyone want to hear from me? I'm a nobody".   Then God said "I told you to tell your story".  Isn't He funny?  I'm sure he was saying "I told you so".  But my fear and my doubt kept me quiet and hidden.  
God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think! (Eph. 3:20) And He will make a way, where there seems to be no way!

Have you ever experienced God tugging on your heart, telling you to do something that is out of the ordinary for you?  Telling you to step out of your comfort zone and stretching your faith?  Its scary!  But its exciting as well.  Because God isn't calling the great, He's calling us to make us great!  He takes the little we have and makes it His.  So, today, if you feel God is telling you to do something you wouldn't normally do, DO IT!  He will get some awesome glory from it!  I can't wait to share what God is doing in my life...but its not ready yet.  Its only just begun.  But, I'm finally listening to Him and ready to go on this journey.  So, that blog I was gonna write this morning will have to wait - because its only just begun.  Instead, God wanted me to challenge you - today, listen to that still small voice and instead of laughing at God, or blowing Him off because you don't feel good enough to do what He's asking, just step out from behind your wall and take a step of faith.  You will be amazed at how awesome it feels to be walking in God's will for your life!

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