Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Run and Fleeing from Mrs. P!!

We've all read the story of Joseph.  His brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites who in turn sold him to Potiphar.  He was treated like dirt by his brothers, but God has other plans for Joseph.  Plans to prosper him.  Sounds like a favorite verse of mine - Jeremiah 29:11.  

Well, back to Joseph.  Potiphar had a wife who was a BAD girl!!  Mrs. P had an issue with lust.  She saw something she wanted, and she went after it.  Know anyone like that in your life?   Someone who will do whatever it takes to get what they want, regardless of the rules?  Well, Mrs. P thought Joseph was good looking and she wanted him!  She noticed how handsome and well-built he was and she was tempted.  Ah, there's that theme again.  Eve was tempted and now Mrs. P.  Eve wanted that juicy fruit and Mrs. P wanted Joseph. 

In Genesis 39:7 she says to Joseph "Come to bed with me!"  What did Joesph do?  He refused.  He responded “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9)  Notice he didn't call her wicked, just the sin against God.  Important to see here that we aren't wicked, our sin is wicked.  God loves us and he loved Mrs. P.  He just didn't like what she was doing.  So Joseph ran.  Over and over she solicits Joseph and repeatedly he runs.  Eventually he just stays out of the building!  But, as is common with Satan, Mrs. P finally found a chance to grab hold of him.  When everyone in the palace was gone, she grabbed hold of his garment and said Come to bed with me!  Joseph ran, leaving his cloak behind!  Poor Joseph.  First his coat of many colors was taken, now this one!!  Poor guy has a problem keeping his shirt on!  

Have you ever wanted something as bad as Mrs. P wanted Joseph?  Ambition? Money? A man or a woman?  Job?  The list could go on.  There are so many things that we could want so badly that we are willing to do anything to get them - even sin against God.  Have you ever "grabbed" and "took" like Mrs. P did with Joseph?  When we don't get what we want, the temptation to reach out and take is very strong.  But remember, God gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.  Hold on, be patient.   Joseph did what we should do.  HE RAN!!  He didn't even try to wrestle with her to get his cloak back.  He just left it and left the building.  Why?  Because staying to get that cloak would have kept him within arms reach of that temptation.  We need to be more like Joseph and less like Mrs. P.  When faced with the temptation to take what we want, when its not God's best for us, we need to run.  Leave behind anything that could trip us up and run the other way.  Run towards God and his outstretched arms.  You know he's waiting for you to turn around and make the right decision.  I admit I have made many mistakes in my life.  There were times I wish I had turned and run, but I grabbed and took instead.  God has loved me through it and gently scrubbed that dirt and hurt away.  Lessons were learned and scars were formed.  I think its time for me to start running more towards God and away from the things that tempt.

Today I challenge you to look at your Mrs. P.,  the things that tempt you.  Will you grab and take or will you run and flee? 

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