Monday, August 25, 2014

His Love Never Fails

Do you believe that?  That God is always there.  That his love will never fail you?

I learned recently of a girl who didn't feel she had anything to live for.  That life was too stressful and too hard and she figured life would be easier if she wasn't in it.   She's heard people tell her God loves her.  She has heard others tell her they love her, but her CIRCUMSTANCES were bigger than her faith could stand.

We've all been there - we look at our circumstances and we wonder where God is.   When life is going according to our plan, when things are good and bills are paid and when we are happy, its easy to believe God loves us and is good.  But, when life turns tragic, we start to doubt God's goodness.  We lose our confidence in God's love for us and our faith gives way to doubt and despair.

When I heard of this young girl and her despair, I felt extreme sadness and the tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes.  This is a girl I love.  I have tried to be a mentor to her.  But I realized I'm not there enough.  I don't see behind her closed doors.  I only see her a few hours a week - and she needs so much more.  What can I do to reach her more? What can I do to love her more?   Do you know anyone in your life that may need more?  We have become so self-centered, selfish with our time when there are people all around us hurting and alone.  Didn't Christ call us to be his Hands and Feet?

Kristian Stanfill leads this song about God's love.  His love never fails, it never gives up.  As this world around us crumbles and falls, as people are being killed in our neighborhoods, its opening my eyes to see IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!!!!  We as Christians need to start realizing this.  People are lonely, hurting, scared, and broken.   We are here as Ambassadors for Christ. We are called to tell others about Him.  How will they know of His love if we don't show it?  Demonstrate it?  Tell them about it?  But, too often we get comfortable in our own blessings or in our own despair, and forget about those around us.  The Church needs a wake up call.  People need Jesus and if we don't' tell them about Him, who will?  If our lives don't demonstrate His love, why will they chose to follow Him?

We need to quit being afraid of hurting someone's feelings or offending them.  Their eternity depends on it!   Am I saying go out in the streets and stand on the corners with Bibles, preaching God's word?  NO.  What I'm saying is, reach out to those around you.  Love them.  Help them.  Listen to them.  And when they ask for help or advice, give them God's word.  Tell them what you would do in that situation.  Open your hearts and don't be afraid to let them see Jesus in you.  But, don't judge them.  LOVE THEM.  And make sure they know GOD LOVES THEM.  Its the first step toward Jesus for them. 

I want this young girl to know I love her.  I was heartbroken for her because I can feel her pain.  Her loneliness.  I want her to know I'm here - day or night.  No matter what.  I want her to know I LOVE HER and GOD LOVES HER.

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