Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Love never fails

 I've been reading on prayer.  Why pray if God already knows what is going to happen?  Does prayer change God or does it change me?  Does it bring my will more in line with His or am I praying to change His will?

In my struggles to understand prayer more, I have come across one complete truth - God's love.  God doesn't withhold things from us because he loves us less.  He Loves us completely and His love will never fail.  Things we pray for may not be in His will.  He may allow hard times in order to teach us to lean into Him more.  

Truth - bad things happen.  We live in a fallen world.  

Truth - God loves us.  His love will never fail.

When we don't get the answers or results we want, we think God loves us less than others.  We think our sin is keeping us from His blessings or from His favor.  If you read the Bible you will see that God used BROKEN, messed up people to carry out his ministry.  He left it in the hands of 12 men who were imperfect.  Who sinned.  Men who denied him, doubted him, questioned him.  

Realizing this made me realize its ok to question God.  Its ok to doubt Him and wonder why things happen.  The one thing it doesn't do is change the one thing that remains:  His love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me!!
 I love music.  Music brings me to a place of complete surrender to God.  This song by Kristian Stanfill and the Passion Band brought me to tears.  I sat, listened, raised my arms and closed my eyes and sat in the presence of Jesus this morning.  I share it with you hoping you realize what I did this morning...The Great Love of Jesus for ME!  Doesn't matter what I'm going through, what prayers I'm not getting answers to - the one thing that remains is Gods love for me.  

So, why pray? Because it aligns my will with the will of my Father.  Even Jesus struggled in the garden of Gethsemane - begging God to take the cup away from him - the imminent beatings and death on the cross.  But, in submission, "Your will, not mine, be done, on earth as it is in heaven".  That's my prayer.  Your will God be done.  But, through it all, I know that He loves me.  That will never change!

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