Friday, March 6, 2015

I may be weak

I've been in a situation where I've had to deal with difficult relationships.   We all go through it at one point or another in our lives.

As parents, we want the best for our kids.  We want them to have healthy relationships that build them up, that encourage them, that are positive and caring.  But sometimes they allow people into their lives that are toxic.  

This toxicity causes problems with parents, with siblings, with the other friends they have.  It brings them down and turns them into someone we don't even recognize.

I'm seeing it happen  - evil corrupts good more often than good changes evil.  Lies are told, secrets are kept.  Nothing about the relationship is healthy. 

What, as parents, do we do?  How  do we get our youth to see what we see? How do we protect them from the inevitable hurt we see coming?  

I don't have that answer.  I pray.  A lot.  I counsel and say the hard stuff that they don't want to hear- and it makes them mad and pushes them away.  "I don't' want to talk to you anymore".  "I can't stand you - get away from me".  or we get SILENCE.  Deafening silence.  Withdrawal.  

I sat down to journal this morning and Proverbs 3:5 popped into my head - as clear as if someone spoke it to me.

   Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own     understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

 God has the answers.  I think when we look at our teens and wonder what in the world they are thinking, God looks at us at times and wonders the same thing.  My child, if you would only listen to me, you wouldn't go through this pain and hurt.  My child, you may not understand what I'm doing, but TRUST me, my ways are not your ways.   My child, I love you.  I'm not trying to keep you from good, I'm trying to keep you from harm.  

God loves us MORE than we love our own kids.  He can see where we are going and what we are about to encounter.  He wants to guide us just like we want to guide our kids.  But, unfortunately, just like our kids, we don't want to listen at times.  We think we GOT THIS.  We can make our own decisions and do what we want and we will be fine.  Oh, as I look back on my life, I wish I could take back so many of MY decisions!!  And, as parents to teenagers, we see where they are headed and know that someday they will look back and wish the same thing - that they had listened to wisdom and truth.

So, take heart parents.  If you are struggling with a rebellious teen - take it to God.  He understands.  He deals with us daily.  We can be rebellious too.  He can guide your paths because He knows what you are going through.

As I was journaling, I heard the words "I may be weak" made me think of an Elevation Worship song "Give me faith".  Watch it below.  Let it be the prayer of your heart today.   

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