Thursday, February 6, 2014

Molded in His Image

We've heard the bible verse.  We've heard sermons preached on it.  Seen pictures like the one above and recognized it.  But have you ever really  thought about what is really happening?

Jeremiah 18: 5-6  "O Stacie, can I not do with you what a potter does?, declares the Lord.  Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand."

I inserted my name in place of O Israel.  You do the same.  He wants your name there.  He wants to be personal.

O Stacie, can I not do with you what a potter does?  God is speaking to me.  Asking me a very important question.  Am I willing to let him mold me?  Work out those lumps in my life that are keeping me from being balanced in him?  Those are tough questions.  We live in a world that justifies everything.  People make excuses for their behavior instead of trying to change it.  

That lump there Lord.  That's from years of legalism in the church.  Being told what I had to do for your love and grace.  God, don't touch that.  It will shatter everything I learned.  God says no, Stacie, I'm not here to instill rules, but to build relationship.  Stacie, I want to know you.  I want to be intimate with your heart.  Let me show you my love

That lump there Lord, oh I've had that for a long time.  Its my self-esteem.  Its pretty bad and it was formed by all the name calling growing up.  I've learned to live with it.  You can leave that one alone.  God says no, let me smooth that one out for you too Stacie.  You are more than the words tossed at you.  You are my child.  I love you.  You are beautiful to me.  You are strong and courageous.  Let me show you my love.

That lump, oh why do you have to press on that one God?  That one hurts.  Its the pain I felt when my parents divorced.  Now I live a life of divorce.  Its just the way it is - its what I grew up learning.  God, please don't touch that one.  Its hurts too much.  God says Stacie, you aren't defined by your past.  Look at the ancient ruins and learn from them, but put them behind you.  There is new life in me.  Let me show you my love.

Each lump, each crack in me God wants to smooth out with His love.  His hands, molding me, shaping me into the beautiful masterpiece He has always known I can be.  But I have to be willing to cooperate with Him.  I need to let him heal me from my hurts so I can grow a deeper relationship with Him.   

Are you willing to let him shape you?  I am.  Today God's hands are on me, shaping me into who He KNOWS I can be.

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