Thursday, January 30, 2014

Attitude Adjustment

Someone recently shared this verse with me.  I want to remember it and commit it to my heart and my life.  So often in life we are faced with things that make us want to give up, to lay down in defeat and quit.  But here, we are told to commit WHATEVER you do.  Did you hear me?  WHATEVER. 

When we go to work at a job we hate, we need to go AS IF we are working for the Lord, not the boss we can't stand.

When we agree halfheartedly to serve on Sunday morning, (admit it, you have all done it), do it AS IF you are doing it for the Lord, not the youth pastor who was in desperate need to fill a slot.

When you have a pile of homework (teens) and you feel like there is just no reason to know geometry or physics, do it anyway AS IF for the Lord.

When you go to the gym to workout, and your body hurts so bad you can barely move, push through the pain and soreness, AS IF for the Lord.

There are so many instances in our lives and I've only mentioned a few, where we go into it half-heartedly.  We commit a YES to something that we really wanted to say NO to.  Why?  Why did we say yes?  Was it to please man?  To make someone else happy only to turn and grumble under our breath about how we really would rather not do this or that task?  No matter what we do in life, we have a choice.  We have a choice to joyfully say YES and serve as if serving the Lord, or we can say YES and grumble our way through the task.  I would wager a bet that if we change our attitude about why we are doing something, and for whom we are doing it, we will get more joy out of the experience.

So many things in life are hard.  If we approach them with a negative attitude, we will have a negative result.  If we approach with a positive, serving the Lord, attitude, we will reap way more than we give.  Our youth pastor frequently tells the youth "You are never more like Jesus than when you serve".  Jesus came to this earth to serve.  He lived as a common man and suffered as we did.  I'm sure there were times when he was tired, his feet hurt, his body was sore from the days of traveling to preach to people who sometimes rejected him.  Did he grumble?  Did he complain to his heavenly father "God, why me?  These people don't appreciate what I'm doing."  If he could humble himself and walk the path he did with joy, why can't we?  Is what we are going through worse than what Jesus endured? No.

So today, as you enter your day with the tasks ahead, commit to doing each task as if FOR THE LORD, not for man.  We are never more like Jesus than when we serve.  Have an attitude adjustment today.  Change your attitude, change your day!! 

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