Sunday, January 26, 2014

How does God define beauty?

Clothe yourselves with beauty that comes from within.  What does that mean?  

The world tells us over and over that beauty is thin.  

Beauty is designer clothes.  

Beauty is having a thigh gap.

Beauty is long flowing hair and pearly white teeth.

The worlds perception of beauty is outward appearance.  Things that can fade or be destroyed.
God's beauty is what is inside.  What does your heart look like?

Do you serve others willingly?  Are you loving, thoughtful and kind?  Do you think of others more than yourself?

The Bible says:  

Believing we are beautiful is not easy for many of us.   God is beautiful, and if we were created in His image, how can we not be beautiful?   God doesn't make mistakes, so how can we justify what we think about ourselves when it doesn't line up with what God says about us?

That's a tough question, isn't it?  I admit, I've fallen into the trap of what the world views as beautiful, and since I don't possess most of the images portrayed, I have let myself feel unloved and not good enough.  But, its a lie!!!  Inside my heart is pure, my love for the Lord is real and my desire to serve and bless others fuels me daily.  You  have met people who shine a light through their eyes that is unmatched to anything you've ever seen before.  They smile in spite of their circumstances.  They give when they have nothing left to give.  They serve just to see the joy in others faces.  Beauty - true beauty.  Heart beauty.  

Do I strive to try to look better? Feel better?  Do I take care of my outward appearance? Yes.  Because my body is a gift from God.  The only body he has given me and I must respect it and take care of it.  Do I strive to do all these things to find favor in the eyes of the world?  Perhaps we all do to some degree.  We need to realize that the size of our thighs doesn't determine our worth.  The size of our hearts does.

So this week, as you look in the mirror, ask yourself "Does what I believe about myself line up with what God says about me?"

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